duhh , nak dekat 2010 dah , SPM weyy , hha , dr mlm tadi siapkn RP - rancngan perniagaan untuk PMBT , nth la , ttbe teminat plak na buat bnde masak masak cengini . hha , tp ta siap lagi pengiraan kos , rancangan kewangan , ramalan jualan , carta aliran proses . bnyk la bnde ta siap . , this 3days kne babysitin' dkt kajang . duhh . new year tak smbut , ahh , tak pe lahh . so
smlm pegi skola , minx borang tuka , tp pak wahab kate lambat sikit so kene tngu , daftar asrma dulu 3hb ni mcm biase . mlas lahh nak pack baju ;( tak pe , nti nozie kemaskn loker , hha .
and and semalam mandi wet world , hha , gile best kott , rase muda semula . aw aw , sebab next year kan dah kire f5 , so cam segan jeh nak naik gelongsor pusing pusing . so smlm bnyk kali gile turun naik glongsor tu , siap lemas lemas pn naik jgak . hha
amer lahh kire pnyelamat sejati , wee~ tengkiuu , hha .
maybe nak pndh dlm ujg bulan niy , tp kunci ruma baru tak dpt lagi , so tnggu jeh la .
dah buat list barg asrama , tapi tak pack lagi ,,
azam 2010 , bnyak azam baru , coz nk start hdp baru kan , ta nak lahh jadi ema yg dulu , jadi rara pn lagi teruk jadi mushaqah lagi , hha . azam yg lain simpan pendam jeh la dlm hati . segan na tulis , nti bile dah tecapai then i'll tell uu . nn i had promise to myself ta kire lahh pinda sekola mne pn thn dpn , im going to strive n strive n strive . its not abt the school or the teacher , it dpends on 'kemahuan' kite kan , hha , tiru ayat mak , ngee ;DD
A heart is not a play thing ,
A heart is not a toy,
but if you want it broken,
Just give it to a guy .
Guy they like to play with things,
To see what make them run,
But when it comes to kissing,
They do it for fun.
guy never give their heart away,
they play us girls for fools,
They wait until we gave up our hearts,
And then they play it cool.
Guys are great through immature,
The price you pay is high,
He may seems sweet and gorgeous,
But remember he is a guy.
Dont fall in love with just a guy,
That takes a lot of nerve,
You see my friend you need a man,
To get what you deserve.
So if u think u're in love,
Be careful if you can,
Before you give your heart away,
Make sure he is a man .
A heart is not a toy,
but if you want it broken,
Just give it to a guy .
Guy they like to play with things,
To see what make them run,
But when it comes to kissing,
They do it for fun.
guy never give their heart away,
they play us girls for fools,
They wait until we gave up our hearts,
And then they play it cool.
Guys are great through immature,
The price you pay is high,
He may seems sweet and gorgeous,
But remember he is a guy.
Dont fall in love with just a guy,
That takes a lot of nerve,
You see my friend you need a man,
To get what you deserve.
So if u think u're in love,
Be careful if you can,
Before you give your heart away,
Make sure he is a man .
congrats to budak budak PMR . ta kesah lahh result korg brpe pn , at least u had try ur best kan kan kan ? congrats to amer , harezz , aida , eisya , dayah , ain . wlpn korg ta bgtau kak ema rslt korg , yeah i noe korg lagi rendah dari rsult PMR akak dulu kan kan kan? hha , tu la , dulu gelakkn akak lagi . hha . tak pe lahh . so my final exam results pn baru sampai ruma , it turns extremely diffrent from what i've expected . from top 10 student SMT ERT DUHMS drop dead gile , hha ish ,
tak sngup nak sebut . results sampai bukak bukak ade 3 failed , AHHH , sumpah nanges gile gile . tu la main main lagi , sedih pilu resah sakit kecewa tertekan melompat tak waras jadinye bile nmpak rsult tu . next year amek SPM main main lagi .
HISH , tak pe la , at least seda jgak .next year mak cakap tuka sekola KD balik , duhh , ntah la . berserah je lahh . ta kesah la sekola mane mane pn , hendak seribu daya , tak nak seribu dalih .
oke oke , this thing had bother me for almost 2 weeks , rase macam nak gile pn ade , pernah tak korg rase macam korg akan hilang smthng yg korg syg gile like forever ?? it keeps runnings in my mind , n when i think about it i started to cry . n smtimes merepek merapu pn ade , pernah skli tu ckp dgn my mum , 'mak jgn tinggalkan kak ma sorg sorg tau , ' rase tak sedap hati all the time , insyaAllah everythings is fine !
tak sngup nak sebut . results sampai bukak bukak ade 3 failed , AHHH , sumpah nanges gile gile . tu la main main lagi , sedih pilu resah sakit kecewa tertekan melompat tak waras jadinye bile nmpak rsult tu . next year amek SPM main main lagi .
HISH , tak pe la , at least seda jgak .next year mak cakap tuka sekola KD balik , duhh , ntah la . berserah je lahh . ta kesah la sekola mane mane pn , hendak seribu daya , tak nak seribu dalih .
oke oke , this thing had bother me for almost 2 weeks , rase macam nak gile pn ade , pernah tak korg rase macam korg akan hilang smthng yg korg syg gile like forever ?? it keeps runnings in my mind , n when i think about it i started to cry . n smtimes merepek merapu pn ade , pernah skli tu ckp dgn my mum , 'mak jgn tinggalkan kak ma sorg sorg tau , ' rase tak sedap hati all the time , insyaAllah everythings is fine !
ish ish , puan puan cik adis manis sekalian , pernah tak korang rase LELAKI bodoh ? LELAKI bangang ? LELAKI annoying ? LELAKI selfish ? kan kan kan ? hish , tak tau lah camane nak cakap . spoiled mood betul la . septtnyer today happy happy .
pagi pagi lagi da kene marah jerit dengan manusia spesis LELAKI yg dpngil ayah . hish , nsib baik ayah . keluar ruma then jiran baru , 2 LELAKI bujang , mmg lah HENSEM , but , hish, dengan kain pelekat tak pakai baju, badan berbulu pegang mug kopi ,bukak gate tegur tegur pulak . GELI lahh ,
then keluar guard house , pak guard Myanmar gilee gigi jarang tu pulak kenyit kenyit mata . BODOH ! then pegi breakfst , abg tu sembang sembang sembang jeh . dah tu cerita pasal perempuan seksi jeh ! teman mak setel bil semua , then 2 kali salah masuk lorong sebab nak mengelak dari kereta sebelah , almst accident ! LELAKI yang drive ! hishh , then last stop mak bayar bil dekat Taman Tun ,
cari parking mmg la slow kan , tempat tu pn sesak kan kan ? pak cik ni g ketuk ketuk belakang kereta jerit jerit 'hoi,gilee ke letak kereta sini' . apalagi , dengan mood period hari ni dan ditambah suara merdu ala ala chef wan , balas la ape lagii 'huui pak cik buta , sabar kejap boleh tak , patut la muke kedut ' . AHHH , nasib baik die terus masuk kereta die . kalau die carik gado lagi tak sempat kott kalau nak lari , hha . then jalan jalan JUSCO , ade lah mamat niy , agak hensem jugak lahh . awek bekepitt separuh bogel dah . hish ,jeles jeles . hha .
n ysterday kott , jmpee dgn my ex , rase macam nak matii . hish , bole pulak die cakap 'i rindu u , i syg u lagi , dah lame tak jmpe u i tak larat nak hdup dah tengok dah kurus ' .
EII , tolong lahh , EMMA yang dulu kaw bole lahh nak cakap cakap macam tu . aku muak tauu tak tengok muke kaw . kalau bole pilih lahh kan, kaw lahh lelaki plling last skali yang aku pandang tau tak , kalau dah tak de lelaki sangat pn aku tak kan pilih kaw ! lebih baik bob dari kaw oke ! (aku mmg harap kaw bace ye 'big J' )
agak agak lahh kan 40% sebab perempuan jadi LES sebab perangai lelaki sendri tauu ! n lepas tu korang nak salahkan PENG lahh . come on lahh !
i admitted bukan semua lelaki perangai teruk , tapi , hishh .. pernah dengar pepatah 'kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga tak ?'
pagi pagi lagi da kene marah jerit dengan manusia spesis LELAKI yg dpngil ayah . hish , nsib baik ayah . keluar ruma then jiran baru , 2 LELAKI bujang , mmg lah HENSEM , but , hish, dengan kain pelekat tak pakai baju, badan berbulu pegang mug kopi ,bukak gate tegur tegur pulak . GELI lahh ,
then keluar guard house , pak guard Myanmar gilee gigi jarang tu pulak kenyit kenyit mata . BODOH ! then pegi breakfst , abg tu sembang sembang sembang jeh . dah tu cerita pasal perempuan seksi jeh ! teman mak setel bil semua , then 2 kali salah masuk lorong sebab nak mengelak dari kereta sebelah , almst accident ! LELAKI yang drive ! hishh , then last stop mak bayar bil dekat Taman Tun ,
cari parking mmg la slow kan , tempat tu pn sesak kan kan ? pak cik ni g ketuk ketuk belakang kereta jerit jerit 'hoi,gilee ke letak kereta sini' . apalagi , dengan mood period hari ni dan ditambah suara merdu ala ala chef wan , balas la ape lagii 'huui pak cik buta , sabar kejap boleh tak , patut la muke kedut ' . AHHH , nasib baik die terus masuk kereta die . kalau die carik gado lagi tak sempat kott kalau nak lari , hha . then jalan jalan JUSCO , ade lah mamat niy , agak hensem jugak lahh . awek bekepitt separuh bogel dah . hish ,jeles jeles . hha .
n ysterday kott , jmpee dgn my ex , rase macam nak matii . hish , bole pulak die cakap 'i rindu u , i syg u lagi , dah lame tak jmpe u i tak larat nak hdup dah tengok dah kurus ' .
EII , tolong lahh , EMMA yang dulu kaw bole lahh nak cakap cakap macam tu . aku muak tauu tak tengok muke kaw . kalau bole pilih lahh kan, kaw lahh lelaki plling last skali yang aku pandang tau tak , kalau dah tak de lelaki sangat pn aku tak kan pilih kaw ! lebih baik bob dari kaw oke ! (aku mmg harap kaw bace ye 'big J' )
agak agak lahh kan 40% sebab perempuan jadi LES sebab perangai lelaki sendri tauu ! n lepas tu korang nak salahkan PENG lahh . come on lahh !
i admitted bukan semua lelaki perangai teruk , tapi , hishh .. pernah dengar pepatah 'kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga tak ?'
i've done 91 out of the 122 stupiedest thing
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
(x) Smoked A Cigarette
() Smoked A Cigar
(x) Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
Level 2
(x) Are / Been In Love
(x) dumped someone
(x) Shoplifted
() Been Fired
(x) Been In A Fist Fight
Level 3
(x) Had A Crush On An Older Person
(x) Skipped Class
() Slept With A Co-worker
(x) Seen Someone / Something Die
Level 4
() Had / Have A Crush On One Of Your Facebook Friends
() Been To Paris
() Been To Spain
(x) Been On A Plane
() Thrown Up From Drinking
SO FAR: 10
Level 5
(x) Eaten Sushi
() Been Snowboarding
() Met Someone BECAUSE Of Facebook
() Been in a Mosh Pit
SO FAR: 11
Level 6
() Been In An Abusive Relationship
() Taken Pain Killers [Tylenol counts]
(x) Love/loved Someone Who You Cant Have
(x) Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
() Made A Snow Angel
SO FAR: 13
Level 7
(x) Had A Tea Party
(x) Flown A Kite
(x) Built A Sand Castle
(x) Gone mudding [offroading]
(x)Played Dress Up
SO FAR: 18
Level 8
(x) Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves
() Gone Sledding
(x) Cheated While Playing A Game
(x) Been Lonely
(x) Fallen Asleep At Work / School
SO FAR: 22
Level 9
(x) Watched The Sun Set
(x) Felt An Earthquake!
() Killed A Snake
SO FAR: 24
Level 10
(x) Been Tickled
() Been Robbed / Vandalized
(x) Been cheated on
(x) Been Misunderstood
SO FAR: 27
Level 11
(x) Won A Contest
(x) Been Suspended From School
(x) Had Detention
(x) Been In A Car / Motorcycle Accident
SO FAR: 31
Level 12
( ) Had / Have Braces
() Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
() Danced in the moonlight
SO FAR : 31
Level 13
(x) Hated The Way You Look
() Witnessed A Crime
() Pole Danced
(x) Questioned Your Heart
(x) Been obsessed with post-it-notes
SO FAR: 34
Level 14
(x) Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
(x) Been Lost
() Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
(x) Swam In The Ocean
(x) Felt Like You Were Dying
SO FAR: 38
Level 15
(x) Cried Yourself To Sleep
(x) Played Cops And Robbers
(x) Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers
(x) Sang Karaoke
(x) Paid For A Meal With Only Coins
SO FAR: 43
Level 16
(x) Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
(x) Made Prank Phone Calls
(x) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose
(x) Kissed In The Rain
SO FAR: 47
Level 17
() Written A Letter To Santa Claus
(x) Watched The Sun Set/ sun rise With Someone You Care/Cared About
(x) Blown Bubbles
() Made A Bonfire On The Beach or anywhere
SO FAR: 49
Level 18
(x) Crashed A Party
(x) Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
(x) Gone Rollerskating / Blading
(x) Had A Wish Come True
() Been Humped By A Monkey
SO FAR: 53
Level 19
(x) Worn Pearls
() Jumped Off A Bridge
(x) Screamed "Penis" or "Vagina"
() Swam With Dolphins..
SO FAR: 55
Level 20
() Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/ Freezer/ ice Cube
(x) Kicked A Fish
(x) Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes
(x) Sat On A Roof Top
SO FAR: 58
Level 21
(x) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs
(x) Done / Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel
(x)Talked On The Phone For More Than 6 Hours
(x) Recently stayed Up for a while talking to someone you care about
SO FAR: 62
Level 22
() Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
(x) Climbed A Tree
(x) Had/Been In A Tree House
(x) Been scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone
SO FAR: 65
Level 23
(x) Believed In Ghosts
() Have had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes
() Gone Streaking
(x) Visited Jail
SO FAR: 67
Level 24
(x) Played Chicken
(x) Been Pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
(x) Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger
() Broken A Bone
(x) Been Easily Amused
SO FAR: 71
Level 25
(x) Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later
() Made A Porn Video/got asked to make one
(x) Caught A Butterfly
(x) Laughed So Hard You Cried
(x) Cried So Hard You Laughed
SO FAR: 75
Level 27
(x) Mooned/Flashed Someone
(x) Had Someone Moon/Flash You
(x) Cheated On A Test
(x) Forgotten Someone's Name
(x) French Braided Someones Hair
() Gone Skinny Dipping
() Been Kicked Out Of Your House
(x) Tried to hurt yourself
SO FAR: 81
Level 29
(x) Rode A Roller Coaster
(x) Went Scuba- Diving/ Snorkeling
() Had A Cavity
(x) Black-Mailed Someone
(x) Been Black Mailed
SO FAR: 85
Level 31
(x) Been Used
(x) Fell Going Up The Stairs
() Licked A Cat
(x) Bitten Someone
(x) Licked Someone
SO FAR : 89
Level 32
() Been shot at/or at gunpoint
() Had sex in the rain
(x) Flattened someones tires
(x) Rode in a car/truck until the gas light came on
() Got five dollars or less worth of gas
Repost this with the title:
I've done -- out of the 122 stupidest things
() Smoked A Cigar
(x) Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
Level 2
(x) Are / Been In Love
(x) dumped someone
(x) Shoplifted
() Been Fired
(x) Been In A Fist Fight
Level 3
(x) Had A Crush On An Older Person
(x) Skipped Class
() Slept With A Co-worker
(x) Seen Someone / Something Die
Level 4
() Had / Have A Crush On One Of Your Facebook Friends
() Been To Paris
() Been To Spain
(x) Been On A Plane
() Thrown Up From Drinking
SO FAR: 10
Level 5
(x) Eaten Sushi
() Been Snowboarding
() Met Someone BECAUSE Of Facebook
() Been in a Mosh Pit
SO FAR: 11
Level 6
() Been In An Abusive Relationship
() Taken Pain Killers [Tylenol counts]
(x) Love/loved Someone Who You Cant Have
(x) Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
() Made A Snow Angel
SO FAR: 13
Level 7
(x) Had A Tea Party
(x) Flown A Kite
(x) Built A Sand Castle
(x) Gone mudding [offroading]
(x)Played Dress Up
SO FAR: 18
Level 8
(x) Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves
() Gone Sledding
(x) Cheated While Playing A Game
(x) Been Lonely
(x) Fallen Asleep At Work / School
SO FAR: 22
Level 9
(x) Watched The Sun Set
(x) Felt An Earthquake!
() Killed A Snake
SO FAR: 24
Level 10
(x) Been Tickled
() Been Robbed / Vandalized
(x) Been cheated on
(x) Been Misunderstood
SO FAR: 27
Level 11
(x) Won A Contest
(x) Been Suspended From School
(x) Had Detention
(x) Been In A Car / Motorcycle Accident
SO FAR: 31
Level 12
( ) Had / Have Braces
() Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
() Danced in the moonlight
SO FAR : 31
Level 13
(x) Hated The Way You Look
() Witnessed A Crime
() Pole Danced
(x) Questioned Your Heart
(x) Been obsessed with post-it-notes
SO FAR: 34
Level 14
(x) Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
(x) Been Lost
() Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
(x) Swam In The Ocean
(x) Felt Like You Were Dying
SO FAR: 38
Level 15
(x) Cried Yourself To Sleep
(x) Played Cops And Robbers
(x) Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers
(x) Sang Karaoke
(x) Paid For A Meal With Only Coins
SO FAR: 43
Level 16
(x) Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
(x) Made Prank Phone Calls
(x) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose
(x) Kissed In The Rain
SO FAR: 47
Level 17
() Written A Letter To Santa Claus
(x) Watched The Sun Set/ sun rise With Someone You Care/Cared About
(x) Blown Bubbles
() Made A Bonfire On The Beach or anywhere
SO FAR: 49
Level 18
(x) Crashed A Party
(x) Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
(x) Gone Rollerskating / Blading
(x) Had A Wish Come True
() Been Humped By A Monkey
SO FAR: 53
Level 19
(x) Worn Pearls
() Jumped Off A Bridge
(x) Screamed "Penis" or "Vagina"
() Swam With Dolphins..
SO FAR: 55
Level 20
() Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/ Freezer/ ice Cube
(x) Kicked A Fish
(x) Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes
(x) Sat On A Roof Top
SO FAR: 58
Level 21
(x) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs
(x) Done / Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel
(x)Talked On The Phone For More Than 6 Hours
(x) Recently stayed Up for a while talking to someone you care about
SO FAR: 62
Level 22
() Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
(x) Climbed A Tree
(x) Had/Been In A Tree House
(x) Been scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone
SO FAR: 65
Level 23
(x) Believed In Ghosts
() Have had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes
() Gone Streaking
(x) Visited Jail
SO FAR: 67
Level 24
(x) Played Chicken
(x) Been Pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
(x) Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger
() Broken A Bone
(x) Been Easily Amused
SO FAR: 71
Level 25
(x) Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later
() Made A Porn Video/got asked to make one
(x) Caught A Butterfly
(x) Laughed So Hard You Cried
(x) Cried So Hard You Laughed
SO FAR: 75
Level 27
(x) Mooned/Flashed Someone
(x) Had Someone Moon/Flash You
(x) Cheated On A Test
(x) Forgotten Someone's Name
(x) French Braided Someones Hair
() Gone Skinny Dipping
() Been Kicked Out Of Your House
(x) Tried to hurt yourself
SO FAR: 81
Level 29
(x) Rode A Roller Coaster
(x) Went Scuba- Diving/ Snorkeling
() Had A Cavity
(x) Black-Mailed Someone
(x) Been Black Mailed
SO FAR: 85
Level 31
(x) Been Used
(x) Fell Going Up The Stairs
() Licked A Cat
(x) Bitten Someone
(x) Licked Someone
SO FAR : 89
Level 32
() Been shot at/or at gunpoint
() Had sex in the rain
(x) Flattened someones tires
(x) Rode in a car/truck until the gas light came on
() Got five dollars or less worth of gas
Repost this with the title:
I've done -- out of the 122 stupidest things
addicted ,
YEAH , korg tauu kan betapa addicted nyer aku dgn HELLO KITTY , hha , so tadi lappaa then pegi lah makan dengan kak lily kuh yang hensem tu , yang rambut cacak cacak macam durian runtuh tu , then jalan jalan lagi , tapi bukan jalan , naik moto lahh kan , moto tuka rim baru , semangat gilee die bawak tadi , hha , then pagilahh covani kat idaman tu , budak damansra damai tauu lah , sape budak dmnsara dmaii angkat tngan , WAHH , ramai ramai . oke turun . banyak gilee button HELLO KITTY , tapi duit tarak en , so beli 3 jeh la . hha . then balik semangat gilee trus pasangkan dekat beg HELLO KITTY yang kak lily beli dulu . actlly ta de bnde na tulis pn , bosan gile gilee lahh !
lovely cousins ,

my cousins tht cheer up my world , lagi lagi lah time cuti cuti niy .
tadi jalan jalan jalan pergi JUSCO KEPONG , dgn my cousins , g tgk TWILIGHT , fer 2nd time , hha , gilee lah . bosan sgt sgt sgt kott , tak plan pn nk tgk movie td , then die kate twilight ta best , ish , die ta tgk lagi die kate ta best . berlawan jgak lahh ktorg tadi , last last ajk die tgk . BEST pulak katenyer . keling betul . cousin sape lahh niy . hha . dah la , tak de bende nak tulis pn sbnrnyer . hha .

tapi macam tak berbaloi jeh dekat KYRA benggong tuh , balik jogging smoking , pastu g bantai nasi lemak . ish ish ish budak tu , sekola bertingkat , banggang melantun lantun . hha !
hope dapat lost weight lagii , dah makin gemokk since cuti niy ! Wish me luck lahh iye ! my targett na lost 5kg lagi cuti niy . insyaAllah ! nak lagi kurus dari niena , WAHH ! gile lahh ! melampauu tu , niena tu dah la badan cam mat ganja punyee kurus dahh , hha
The boyfriend every girl would want
Aparently this is the Boyfriend of every normal girl's "dreams". :]
When you break her heart- [ the pain NEVER really goes away ]
When she misses you - [ she's hurting inside ]
When she says its over - [ she STILL want you to be hers ]
When she reposts this bulletin - [ she wants you to read it ]
When she walks away from you mad - [ Follow her]
When she stare's at your mouth - [ Kiss her ]
When she pushes you or hit's you - [ Grab her and don’t let go ]
When she start's cursing at you - [ Kiss her and tell her you love her ]
When she ignore's you - [ Give her your attention]
When she pulls away - [ Pull her back ]
When you see her at her worst - [ Tell her she's beautiful ]
When you see her start crying - [Just hold her and don’t say a word ]
When you see her walking - [ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ]
When she's scared - [ Protect her ]
When she lay's her head on your shoulder - [ Tilt her head up and kiss her ]
When she steal's your favorite hoodie - [ Let her keep it and sleep with it for a
When she tease's you - [ Tease her back and make her laugh]
When she doesn’t answer for a long time - [ reassure her that everything is okay ]
When she looks at you with doubt - [ Back yourself up with the TRUTH]
When she say's that she like's you - [ she really does more than you could understand ]
When she grab's at your hands - [ Hold her's and play with her fingers ]
When she bump's into you - [ bump into her back and make her laugh]
When she tells you a secret - [ keep it safe and untold ]
When she looks at you in your eyes - [ don’t look away until she does ]
When shes cold - [ hold her till shes warm ]
- Stay on the phone with her even if she’s not saying anything
-DON'T let her have the last word
-DON'T call her hot, But Gorgeous or beautiful is soo much better
- Say you love her more than she could ever love you
- Argue that she is the best girl ever
- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
- When she says she's ok don’t believe it, talk with her
- because 10 yrs later she'll remember you
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
- Call her before you sleep and after you wake up
- Treat her like she's all that matters to you
-Stay up all night with her when she's sick
- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid
- Give her the world
- Let her wear your clothes
- When she's bored and sad, hang out with her
- Let her know she's important
- Kiss her in the pouring rain
- When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is;
"Who's ass am I kicking today baby?"
If you do post this in the next four minutes the one your love will:
Call you
Kiss you
Love you
Text you
Guys post as: "I'd be this Boyfriend"
Girls post as: "The boyfriend every girl would want"
If you dont repost this,you will have bad luck for 4 weeks!
Aparently this is the Boyfriend of every normal girl's "dreams". :]
When you break her heart- [ the pain NEVER really goes away ]
When she misses you - [ she's hurting inside ]
When she says its over - [ she STILL want you to be hers ]
When she reposts this bulletin - [ she wants you to read it ]
When she walks away from you mad - [ Follow her]
When she stare's at your mouth - [ Kiss her ]
When she pushes you or hit's you - [ Grab her and don’t let go ]
When she start's cursing at you - [ Kiss her and tell her you love her ]
When she ignore's you - [ Give her your attention]
When she pulls away - [ Pull her back ]
When you see her at her worst - [ Tell her she's beautiful ]
When you see her start crying - [Just hold her and don’t say a word ]
When you see her walking - [ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ]
When she's scared - [ Protect her ]
When she lay's her head on your shoulder - [ Tilt her head up and kiss her ]
When she steal's your favorite hoodie - [ Let her keep it and sleep with it for a
When she tease's you - [ Tease her back and make her laugh]
When she doesn’t answer for a long time - [ reassure her that everything is okay ]
When she looks at you with doubt - [ Back yourself up with the TRUTH]
When she say's that she like's you - [ she really does more than you could understand ]
When she grab's at your hands - [ Hold her's and play with her fingers ]
When she bump's into you - [ bump into her back and make her laugh]
When she tells you a secret - [ keep it safe and untold ]
When she looks at you in your eyes - [ don’t look away until she does ]
When shes cold - [ hold her till shes warm ]
- Stay on the phone with her even if she’s not saying anything
-DON'T let her have the last word
-DON'T call her hot, But Gorgeous or beautiful is soo much better
- Say you love her more than she could ever love you
- Argue that she is the best girl ever
- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
- When she says she's ok don’t believe it, talk with her
- because 10 yrs later she'll remember you
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
- Call her before you sleep and after you wake up
- Treat her like she's all that matters to you
-Stay up all night with her when she's sick
- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid
- Give her the world
- Let her wear your clothes
- When she's bored and sad, hang out with her
- Let her know she's important
- Kiss her in the pouring rain
- When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is;
"Who's ass am I kicking today baby?"
If you do post this in the next four minutes the one your love will:
Call you
Kiss you
Love you
Text you
Guys post as: "I'd be this Boyfriend"
Girls post as: "The boyfriend every girl would want"
If you dont repost this,you will have bad luck for 4 weeks!
creadits to ; niena
for those BOYS outside
When a GIRL is quiet , millions of things are running in her mind.
When a GIRL is not arguing , she is thinking deeply.
When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions , she is wondering how long you will be around.
When a GIRL answers " I'm fine " after a few seconds she is not at all fine.
When a GIRL stares at you , she is wondering why you are lying.
When a GIRL lays on your chest , she is wishing for you to be hers forever.
When a GIRL wants to see you everyday , she wants to be pampered.
When a GIRL says " I love you " she means it.
When a GIRL says " I miss you " no one in this world can miss you more than that.
Life only comes around once make sure u spend it with the right person
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot. who calls you
back when you hang up on him. who will stay awake just to watch you
Wait for the guy who , kisses your forehead.
Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats.
Who holds your hand in front of his friends.
Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how
lucky he is to have you.
Who turns to his friends and says, " That's her!! "
If you open this you have to repost it, guy or girl, or you will
bad luck for the rest of your life!!!!!
If I don't get this back I guess your not my friend.
If you have a lot of love for someone. copy and send this to your
list. In 5 minutes your true love will call or message you. Tonight
midnight your true love will realize they like you.
Something good will happen to you at approx. 1:42pm tomorrow, it
be anywhere. So get ready for the biggest shock of your life. If you
break this chain, you will be cursed with relationship problems for the
most important time of your life. Send this to 15 people in 15
to carry on the chain...and spare yourself the emotional stress"
credits to ; zulfadli abd wahab

jumpe Nady , OMG !rindu die gile gilee , mulut die mmg tak ubah ubah dari dulu maintain 'celupar' , tp sekarang dah upgrade SUPER CELUPAR kott ;D hha , whevr it is , i missed them soo badly ; FATIN NABIELLA , NUR FATIN NADIA , JULAIHA JAMALDIN , AIMI MASTURA , NUR AMALINA , NUR ZALIELA AMIERA , NUR KYRANIE , NUR LYANA ATHIERA , MOHD IRHAM ALI , INTAN SYAHZANANIE , NUR FARAHIN , NORZIE AZUREEN , FARA ELEENA , AMELIA SHAREENA
i got a hamster , i got a hamster ,hha ;D let me intrduce u to lala , lily , nn lulu . my sis yang bagi name . yeah , i noe , taste die mmg terok , ape lah name anak die nanti , hha ;) lala n lulu is a guy , i meant male , hha , lily-of course betine lahh kan , lala n lulu kind a twins ,(tp mak bapak lain lain , eh , iye ke? ntah , tanye lah dorg ,) same fur color , same eye color-red , bt lulu besar siket bdn die . lily yang kaler ke kelabuan tue , hha , black eye . lawa sangat sangat lily tue ,, rara bg dorg makan ROCKY , alaa , biskut rocky yang panjang panjang dalam kotak 2 , yang agak agak rupe rokok bak kate abang Sham , hha ,mate dah 4 pn tak reti beza rokok dengan rocky .

i had such a GREAT chat dengan Beila last night dekat ym , topiknyer ; MUSHAHAQAH , ini istilah agama , syllabus form4 , carik la mksudnyer , sumpah mule mule rara takut sangat nak cerita dekat beila pasal my new lover , then sdnlly she said , she's turning to MUSHAHAQAH too .
rase puas lega nak mati lahh dapat share cerita dengan sumone yg undrstnd . rara dengan beilla memang 'satu kepala' , dats y lahh she's evrythng to me , BEILLA THE GREATEST ,
ahh , finally ! HOLLYDAY
secebis kata buat kita sayang,,
secebis kata buat kita percaya,
sekecil luka buat kita kecewa,
tetapi sebuah persahabatan bermakna selamanya .
credits to ; suhana abd khalid
cheers to ;
- kumpulan 7 , kem kecermelangan sahsiah pelajar cemerlang
kisah bermula dan berakhirnya seorang pelajar tingkatan 4 ,,
Jan 05 , bermula lah diri seorang pelajar , EMMA , sebagai student form 4 di SMK S10 , KD ,, then masuk kelas CERDAS , CEKAP , bertukar pulak ke BERSIH dalam jurusan perakaunan .
04 MARCH , my mum dtg kelas n say i'll moving to TEKNIK tomorrow , i told my friend n their started to cry , n cry n cry . kawankawan , korg ingat tak last time kita lepaq same same pakai baju sekolah dekat sebelah highway tu ? sampai sekarang aku emma tak pecaye emma sanggup buat member emma mcm tue . then pegi shooping stuffs baldi , hanger sume lahh . around 1am tak tido lagi sebab packing barang .
05 MARCH , yeah , around 6 bertolak pagi tue , jalan jem so around 9 baru sampai sekolah baru . that day 2nd intake tengah orentasi , masuk dewan n the first lucky girl yang tegur emma is fara eleena , then jumpa lah dengan intan . she's such a nice girl . when my mum leave i didnt feel anythng . sebab mcm rase kejap jeh dduk situ .
25 MARCH , choral speaking competition dekat skolah URESS , yeah , ktorg kalah . tapi tak kesah la . n intan give me the name RARA , lagipn i try to chnge myself from selfish emma to better rara . insyaAllah
28 MARCH , dorm KEMBOJA yang dhargai , got a suprised party fer me , thnxx to uuuu alll , reason ? bcoz KEMBOJArians saw me sad jeh , they want to cheer me up . rara sayang kemboja 09 . my atok start sakit terok , my aunty bawak pergi putrajaya .
04 APRIL , hey girl , kalau korg ingat lagi , rara dengan yayien nanges sangat sangat dekat surau waktu subuh tue , kononyer stress gile ddk situ . noziee the great yang tolong pujuk .
in APRIL , tak ingat berapa hari bulan , teachers day , i realized how much i miss KD10 , n i really regret moving . nanie dahh join the group , sayang NANIE .
05 MAY , hari sukan . yeah im WIRA girl , stand fer rumah kuning . our mascott spongebob . venue ; padang SMT DATO' LELA MAHARAJA . and hjung bulan 5 tu cuti kan ? rara pergi MEKAH !buat umrah dengan mama , atok , wan dengan family Cik Nan .
18 JUN , malam briefting , KEMBOJArians drop rara , nozie , nanie , n yayien , reason ? rara dengan nozie sebab gurau kasar sangat , dorg tak dapat terime , nanie ? terlampau sexy sangat sangat sangat dalam d0rm , (kolot lahh dorg ) , yayien sebab mulut die yang tak de lesen maen pecut jeh ape die nak cakap . tapi tak kseh la , we're jst b uirself ! as long as kami ber4 , takde sape berani kacau lagi dahh ;D
JULY , sekola tak de cuti , so mmg stress gile gile gile almost 5 bulan ddk sekola . 07 JULY , 3PENJURU , alaa , amek report card tue .. my mum ade kursus dekat Genting , so my dad yg datang amek . n guess what ? im no 2 in class n Top 10 of form 4 out of 180 (gumbira tak terkata ) . 1st time balik naik LRT ,
AUGUST , i got many many many 'true' friends , insyaAllah . my 16 birthday on 31 , my mum hntar balik asrama , nanges nanges dekat my mum , then fara gelakkn . jaat lahh kaw ! yayien bagi butterfly necklace as present . love it . beilla bg teddy bear . suke sangat sangat , aimi bagi frame . klasik ! puasa dekat sekolahh BBEEESSSSTTTTT!! terawih ? kelakar sangat sangat .
SEPTEMBER , my bro bday , belikan die jam ODM dekat TERM , day of last puasa bukak dengan yayien dekat TERM , seronok ! balik naik LRT dengan Kak Iza n Kak Farzira ,, hmm , yang lain tak ingat lahh .
OCTOBER , my dad bday , bagi hand made birthday card . post dari rembau ke dmnsara damai ;D ,, thnx to Nas my postman . FINAL EXAM ; im suuuccckkkkksss !
NOVEMBER , 1st - kene drop dengan form5 dekat surau pasal blog niy ,hha , yeah , rara still berdendam lagi dekat siapa yang pangail rara 'karo' tu , suke hati korang lahh 'budak budak' .5 NOV , VOLLEYBALL ,, WAJA menang , yeay yeay ! (eh eh , rara ruma wira lahh ) 7 NOV- keluar dengan kawan kawan lama dari 4BERSIH ,, 9-11 NOV - kem kecermelangan sahsiah pelajar wtevr ,, best lahh jugak ! sweet memory dengan fara eleena . 13 NOV ,, annual dinner , RARA JADI AWAN . hha ;D prsembahan choir lahh . 18 NOV-dapat MC sebab telinge bengkak , then mak datang terus balik tinggalkan seribu kenangan , kegembiraan , kedukaan , kesesalan dan seribu pengiktirafan kepada diri sendiri sebab berjaya ubah kepada orang yang lebih baik dekat sini .
rumah suda ; bad news ! my dad sakit ,, lumpuh belah kanan . kaki mama rara bengkak n tak bole bejalan sangat sangat . kaka rara pegi Pangkor , adik rara balik kedah . abg rara dah pindah keluar . so rara sorg sorg soo rara kemas rumah , masak bubur untuk ayah , basuh kain , tukar air akuarium , mandikan hamster , basuh baju , n i feel im sangat sangat berguna kalau i duduk ruma , n my mum reaction like , OUHHH , THANK GOD ! ,, im really happy fer make her smile . even tht smile is jst fer a sec .
hey , rase nyer tak terlambat lagi kott ,
GOOD LUCK TO SPM candidates ;
and to my hunny bunny ERMAN ASHRAFF
yeah , spttnyer blik this friday , bt dpt mc sbb ta sehat . so my mum lah yg amek ysterday . sdih sangat sangat sangat tinggalkan skola sebagai form4 , next year msuk da jadi form5 ,then SPM , ARRRGGHH , tkutnyer .hha ;) banyak dapat memo dari kawan kawan . n pling menarik , one memo yg sngat mnykitkan hati , tak sangke lahh ade yg mmbenci dan suke mengutuk aku . bt , tak kesah la , i jst b myself ! pixta 4k2 , KBJ , and annual dinner akan dupload kmudian , insyaAllah . gtg , nak makan ;))
exam ouh exam
duhh , lame giler tak update kott , ye lahh 2weeks dkt asrma . byk sgt crte nak share niy . better korg comfort kan dri , pegi toilet dlu , mkn dlu ker , coz this post' tak de commersial break .=)
oke oke , my teacher is leaving , fer good . =) . sedih kott =( but dunno y its hard fer me to cry . ktorg ade buat suprise party fer her . die pn kind a 'shock' . siap nanyi lagu ... ala , pe ea name lagu tue . tp sumpah mndalam lagu tue . n die bg kad fer each one of ktorg .n the content diffrent trought out our personality . katenyer , die amek mse lame utk discover ktorg sorg sorg , n here's mine .

n she said , i really 'dengar cakap ' n sng nak buat kerje bile dsruh .(bngge doe , bukn sng org na ckp cam tue , sllu org puji im cute jeh , hha=P , terOVER pulak ) SAYANG CIKGU ZURA !

ouh yes , im one of PRS , stand fer PEMBIMBING RAKAN SEBAYA , tht jamuan is not tht gempak , but i had lotttsss of fun tht day . ++ last day of exam kott ;D

sry pic kabur skett , my sis gesa gesa sruh cepat . ini poster katy perry wearing dress full with hello kitty accesories . adah yg bagi , syg die gler mati kott time niy .

TADAA , jeles tak ?jeles tak ?hha;p jst bought it , sumpah mmg dah lame giler kott carik 'hello kitty fan' niy . sangat comel comel comel . hrgenyer RM18 ,Living Cabin Mutiara Damansara,

thts all kott , n tadi hang out dengan kawan lama lama lama from 4Bersih SMK KD10 , ntah la , tak de perasaan yang dapat dgambarkan . after about 3 months ta jmpe dorg , n no feelings , so fhm fahm sndrik jeh la .
hha ;D sounds funny right . oke readers , bnyk yg perlu dperkatakan dsini . first of all , saya kembali SINGLE , dan dsebabkan itu , saya menyahut seruan EX dan saya sudah bertdung kott ;D .ahh , nonsense . im talking crap here . ntah brpe lame bleh tahan tdung dkt kpla niy . wtever it is . sme2 doa Tuhan bukak hati aku niy oke . aammiinn .
oke oke , this whole day terbuang dekat putrajaya . pegy bawak my nany pusing pusing pusing putrajaya smpai die pening .hha :D. pegy msjid besi , msjd ptrjaya , almnda , then visit my future house yg dah 4 thun tbngkalai , duhh , saba jeh la .n here's some photos kott ;D

sumpah bnde niy lawa gilaa nak mati n besa gila gila gila nak mati . most of the msjid is besi so no wonder lahh masjid niy dpngil msjid besi .

*utk hri ini shja (screaming out loud) ; SAYA BENCI BUDAK BUDAK . fuhh ,penat lahh jage budak kecik .
lepas hntar my nany blik then pegy crik present fer cikgu zura yg akan leavin student 4K2 tak lama lagi . n ternampak lahh pulak tali handphone HELLO KITTY yg sngat chomell chomell chomell . duhh , dngan lngkah pantas dan trhenjut henjut , i grab tht tali hndphone n give to the cashier . n tanpa my mum sedari , dia dah pun bayar that thing . hha :p

**to noziee n yayien ; tak usah ler kamu kutuk kutuk saya punye tali kunci loker lagi ye , kini saya suda ade yg baru . lg lawa dr korg punye ;D
xde motif

wtever lahh , tak sngka sgt atok jdi cam niy lpas blik umrah .
haa , motif letak lovely bunny niy ?
AHHH , saya rindu awak lahh ERMAN ASHRAFF , bile na balik ha?
wlaupun saya tau awk ttap akn 'ceraikn' saya. (*mcm kawen btl2 jeh )
tapi salah ke saya na rindu awak ha?
come on , pulanglahh sayangku payung intan belian ,
*mood ; kesunyian tahap maksimum
hey hey , now im updating my blog again in almost an hour, i had chnge my email , sbb im surrender from this 'game' . fyi , aku bukan 'kecut' , 'takut' ,'cuak' , dgn korg .
aku dah malas nak buat prngai budak budak gado gado psal bnde kcik cam niy . klaw korg nak bnge dri ckp korg menang , go ahead !! to me , im big enough to think out of the box . gado gado is soo not me mann. n jst wshing u good luck fer ur SPM . n please ye , tak yah nak cam bagos attack aku psl blog niy ye , fyi , ingin dtegaskan dsini , aku tak akn heran dgn sistem 'wanted' , 'attack' , 'ckp blkg' , 'perli perli' , sbb aku dah diajar oleh my own mum , Pn Marina ,respects only who respects us back (pk dlm2 ape mksdnyer) , dan aku dah diajar untuk balas balik ape yg org buat dkt dri aku ,(dajar oleh my sis) so jst prepare !
aku dah malas nak buat prngai budak budak gado gado psal bnde kcik cam niy . klaw korg nak bnge dri ckp korg menang , go ahead !! to me , im big enough to think out of the box . gado gado is soo not me mann. n jst wshing u good luck fer ur SPM . n please ye , tak yah nak cam bagos attack aku psl blog niy ye , fyi , ingin dtegaskan dsini , aku tak akn heran dgn sistem 'wanted' , 'attack' , 'ckp blkg' , 'perli perli' , sbb aku dah diajar oleh my own mum , Pn Marina ,respects only who respects us back (pk dlm2 ape mksdnyer) , dan aku dah diajar untuk balas balik ape yg org buat dkt dri aku ,(dajar oleh my sis) so jst prepare !
AHH ,finally !cuti yg dinnti2 tiba jgak . ysterday blik dgn nanie n plan jst sleepover at her place . sbb ade opn hse ruma die today . then sdnlly my mum cll ajk blik kedah . ARR , bole imagine tak ksmpitan pmkiran aku ? either stay ruma nanie or
follow my mum blik kg ? if stay ruma nanie nty bole ajk yayien lpq at my place n jalan jalan jalan crik pnganti boyfee yg dah mnghlang ,
hha, but i really really really nak balik kg kedah (npe ntah ) last last , ayah ckp dah smpi tmn kinrara ruma nanie tu ,then blik jeh la , ksian nanie .
n now dkt kg lahh niy , pkul 3 pg td smpi . n guess what?
rase cam brbaloi jgak blik sni . bkn dpt duit raye , i jst heard one bad news (fer them la , bt fer me its the best news ever ) . ade lah smthng hppen yg my girls cousins buat ,n tht makes me grndaughter yg pling baik sklik . .
puas hati aku! HHHAHA*evil laught ,ye lahh , jst imagine , they call me *bitch , n ask me , 'weyy , ko blik kg pkai lahh 2dung , buat malu Tok jehh ' .n now prngai bdk kg cam dorg tu lg trok dr aku yg *bitch niy . HHHAHAHAHHA .
** tu lahh , korg buat aku 'sakit' , korg akan dapat balik .
follow my mum blik kg ? if stay ruma nanie nty bole ajk yayien lpq at my place n jalan jalan jalan crik pnganti boyfee yg dah mnghlang ,
hha, but i really really really nak balik kg kedah (npe ntah ) last last , ayah ckp dah smpi tmn kinrara ruma nanie tu ,then blik jeh la , ksian nanie .
n now dkt kg lahh niy , pkul 3 pg td smpi . n guess what?
rase cam brbaloi jgak blik sni . bkn dpt duit raye , i jst heard one bad news (fer them la , bt fer me its the best news ever ) . ade lah smthng hppen yg my girls cousins buat ,n tht makes me grndaughter yg pling baik sklik . .
puas hati aku! HHHAHA*evil laught ,ye lahh , jst imagine , they call me *bitch , n ask me , 'weyy , ko blik kg pkai lahh 2dung , buat malu Tok jehh ' .n now prngai bdk kg cam dorg tu lg trok dr aku yg *bitch niy . HHHAHAHAHHA .
** tu lahh , korg buat aku 'sakit' , korg akan dapat balik .
na balik !!
ISHH , tension gile vavi duk sni , sabtu lpas jue n nady buat opn hse , ARGH , cm geram ta dpt join , sumpah rndu gle kngan g opn hse rmai2 taun lpas . n this sabtu niena ajak g BB ngn dak teknik die clebrate birthday ella ,SHITT ! this sabtu my school ade buat hari kantin ,maybee mak adtg kott , insyaAllah ;) cant wait fer Deepavali ,hha , bkn na clbrate la , that week balik . tgh pk2 na pndh skola kott , ntah la, yesterday 5/10 genap 7 bulan ddk sni . n after long thnking , dah 7 bulan sengsara , stahun je lagi , ape slhnyer kan .lgpun its my future , perhaps , ISHH , ta minat KATERING lahh .
HOLLY DAY? no more
oh Gosh! bncinyer cuti skola da habes ,n now updating my blog dekat skola ,TERUK SANGAT SANGAT , bnyak keje tak siap ,TENSION, asek bngn lmbt jeh since monday , n lately ade bdk carik pasal with me , SH*T ,ishh , fyi my dear , aku tak heran la klaw ko na perli perli aku ,aku da mlas na pk psl prngi palat bdk2 skola niy , im jst continueing *eh ,btl ke?* my life here tanpa perlu sesakn kpla hotak aku dgn muke bdk bdk bajet 'lawa' , 'hot' mcm korg . sekian terima kasih ,,
hey ,hey , lawa tak my new layout ?sehari suntuk buat ,hha;D
raya ke4 bru dpt jmpe my hbby , die sehat jeh , die nmpak gemok sikit je kott , hha , phal la kaw mkn bnyk2 ha? aku gemok sorg dah la , LOL ,we got a fight on raya eve , he ask me to wear 'tudung' o at least a selendang mcm YUNA pakai tu ,n i refuse to , and he like ' buat prngai' bcoz he alrdy bought me another selendang , hm , so after few days of thnking , i decided to try to wear that 'binatang' hha;D
yestrday pegi GM PLAZA + MID with bielaBEE, shitto fun sbb last time ktorg keluar about 10months ago, ye lah , since we both move to asrama , jarang sngt jmpe .she got fight with her boy bcoz of me , agaknyer lahh . she had promised him to hng out 2gether yesterday , but she went out with me .ntah la, si boy tu pon pahal ntah ,ade ke patut die ta kasi biela sleepover at my house . ISHH, geram btol ngn boy tue , nseb baeq encem ,hhaha ;) then pegy mid watch G FORCE (3D) , agak gempak gak lahh .readers sngt, sgt, sgt disyorkn to watch tht moovie ,
tomoroow balik skola naek KTM , mama tak bole anta , die kne lapor dri dkt IAB around 3 , so sure ta sempat kott . cemane ea ?brg bnyk na bwk blik naek KTM , malu lah jgak na berangkut ,
na tgk FINAL DESTINATION(3D) sangat , sngat , sngt ! pahal la pulak cter tu ponn 18x , dah tu , siap na tngok ID lagi , korg niy na untung ke tak ha ?
kg. che thamby
aa , this year raya kat kg belah mak , klaka kan name kg niy ,LOL , knape ntah this year pnye raya mcm tak semeriah sllu , kelam kabut ponn ade , pelita tak pasang ponn , duit raye ponn tak sebanyak last year ;)
one of the reason mayb sebab my atok sakit kott , so thats y tak semeriah sllu , adik bradik mak mcm lps tngan jeh bile atok sakit niy , obvious sgt lahh , dorg blik kg pon sehari jeh sbb ta nak jge atok lame2, klaw dulu bmlm jgak lah kat kg , skrg niy mak lah yg jge atok kt kg , n i TEPAKSA teman mak kat kg ;( still ta dpt raye dgn my hubby :( , its oke , besa ganjaran PAHALA nyer.
alaa , standart lahh tu kan , bile sehat , ada duit , ramai lah yg dekat , bile sakit , dtg melawat pon macam kene paksa .tp tak tau jgak kan , they have their own reason. denga denga crte atok kne brain cancer stage 4 , no no..smthng kne mngena dgn saraf , saraf otak bengkak , iye lahh kott , truk ea ?ntah la , now , atok half lumpuh , belah kanan jeh yg bole gerak skrg niy . tomorrow cik Ta amek, so atok ddk dgn die plak dkat Putrajaya , my mum suggest sewa rmah bawah around my house dkat Bayu tu , my siblings sume dah besa so boleh la tengok2 kan atok , insyaALLAH la ,
lately , atok tak dapat tdo mlm , n he keep calling Usop Usop , Timah , Gemencih! then Tolong , Tolong ,,Tolong !
die macam meracau , mengigau (tah pe bnde yang die sebut tah) n td anak buah die dtg (rupe mcm Nanny McPhee ,HHAHA) maen terjah masuk jeh tak bagi salam , agak kuarang sopan lahh kan . n die ckp Usop yg atok panggil tu dah meninggal .
ISHH ! ape sbnrnyer yang berlaku niy .
n that makes my HARI RAYA 2009 kinda SUCK ! wish dapat balik KEDAH , na mndi sungai , HHAHA .

seram ta ?HHAHA;) niy mmg tragedi raya lahh,bukan akibat maen meriam , mercun , bunga api . budak niy maen pop pop jeh ,
LOL, tak lah ! accident dek teruja dapat half day kamis ari tuh ,telangar divider dan dlangar kereta ,bepusing pusing, kepala bejahit, moto hancur , nsib baik tak effect kat mata .
beRAYAnyer die dengan muka penuh make up lahh ,
so , here'a sbout me , hari khamis habis skola about 5 ,uncle bala yang hanta sampi sremban ,bkak puasa kat Term dengan yayien, my lovely syg . AHH , dah habis puasa dahh ponn , rase skjap sgt2 .bengang tahap banggang lahh , KTM 2x postpone ,dpt plak nek KTM about 8.25 tu skli dgn KP n kak IERA , pengerusi PRS , siap kene pulas telinge lg sbb free hair . HHAHA;) smpi ruma about 11 , penat gile na mati bhaii ,
pape ponn, ptg td bru beli bju krung . SONGKET COKLAT ! lawa kan , ;) hhha , sedih nyer puasa dah habis , sebab nanti setan kene lepas , berat pon mesti naek kan ,hmm ,
dan kepada semua reader MINX MAAF SNGT,SNGT,SNGT
yellow .kuning .blue. biru
oit sakai , bole tak kaw stop copy aku ha ?ape aku pakai kau na pakai , ape aku beli kaw nak jgak , mane aku pegi kaw nak pegi , ape aku buat kaw nak buat , ape aku tlis kau nak tlis jgak , ish , rimas lahh , sampai kn name balak aku ashraff pon kaw nak crik balak name ashraff , pe kes niy ha? klaw sampai situ jeh aku ta kesah la , niy plak kaw g bawak cter aku kat mmber mmber kaw tp buat mcm cter kaw , tolong tolong lah crik identiti sendrik oke ,aku ade jerawat , kaw tak nak ke ade jerawat ?hhaha =) n tolong lah hentikan sikap bangge diri kaw yang telampau tuh , ramai dah yg perasan kaw niy tak ubah macam tin kosong , bunyi jeh lebih , padahal tak de pape , aku menyampah , muak , benci , geram , sakit hati , rase nak penyepak jeh kaw oke ,,nseb baeq pk niy bulan puasa , =(
kaka , kaka , kaka
oit , apasal negeri sembilan tak cuti esok hah ?knpa 3 negeri jeh yang cuti ?kenapa?kenapa?tell me !tell me y , HHAHA =)
kpd kaka yang berkenaan,
(siapa yg terasa die lah tu ye ,)ari tuh cite tak nak 'wanted' , tak amek port bdk f4 lah , dah tu , apasal still na jual muke aku yg pling comel kat ert tu kat member2 ko ha ?still ta puas ati eh ? ish , ish , ish kesian ko en , sure ta dpt concentrate trial ri tue en sbb tringat muke aku , HHAHA , hmm , klaw lah nak sebarkan lagi post yg aku tls 'sampah' tue , dkt blah knan tu kan ade tlis 'blog achieve' , tekan ye , lpas tu crik jul 2009 , n klaw nak crik yg aku tlis nme kaw besa besa tu crik under Aug 2009 , disitu anda akn dapati bnde yg anda crik oke , kalaw still tak puas hati , sila datang 4 katering 2 taupun d0rm KBJ , saya sedia menunggu anda , HHHAHA . n tolong , tolong , tolong cakap dan brpesan kpd rakan rakan anda , tak payah la jeling2 aku, dan kalau nak tnjuk2 aku tu cover cover lah tangan tu sikit , dan jangan masuk campur hal ini ,fyi , aku pon ade mate .aku bukan nak bngkitkan blik bnde yg dah reda , cuma reda nyer tu mcm tak seberapa sbb aku still rase ade org ckp blkg psl aku sbb post tu , (ayt cam kling jeh ,). dan ade jgak yang ckap depan2 , ingat aku tak tau ker korg bckp pasal aku kat surau ri tue ha? come on lahh , tu surau weyy ,ape pon , im sorry klaw ade org laen plak yg terase !
ruma suda !
birthday celebs for july,augst,sept cikgu jasmi ckp na buat gempak2 , theme-raya , ada bbq , pelita lah bagai , xcited jeh dgr ,
sdnlly , cikgu rohana mengamok pasal kad kemerdekaan gergasi yg bebudak niy conteng buat chat room ,hha =) dah tu , bole sembang kutuk2 pengetua tak pakai sekop lah , abg syahid siap tulis pasal pkr dgn anwar ibrahim lg , HHAHA ,xde kne mngne lngsg . ish , patuh si pengetua suke suki acik die nak batalkan semua aktviti like annual dinner , majlis raya , bday celebs , ARGHH !
bukak puasa dekat asrama ?not bad lahh , agak best sangat sangat sangat , hha;) makan dgn kawankawan , tp yg spoil siket kne bratur basuh pingan tuh la, tp really enjoy lah ,jst kadang kadang rase hiba teringat mak bile makan tuh ,=( sahur ? tak penah turun lg sebab xreti lah na bgn pagi pagi pastu trun naik 3rd floor ,mndi pagi2 . cemane lahh budak budak lain boleh buat ea ?
terawih ?rase macam banjir kilat ketiak niy , HHAHA =) basah kuyop weyy , n suara imam tu mcm tak denga sangat , pastuh ada sklik aku ngn yayien bangon dari sujud sedngkan orang laen tgh sujud , nseb baeq tak ramai yang nampak , ktorang gelak jeh sepanjang 8 rakaat terawih tue , menambah dose ,
n macam biasa ,, balik naek ktm , singgah term , yayien blnje rantai + flip flop ,suke sangat sangatsangat.
ktorg free hair , n form 5 cam pandang laen macam ,
rase na jerit jeh cam tu kat dorg ,
hidup yang sangat membosankan , td sdnly sume bdk asrama kne kumpul , then GPK akademik , spe tah nme ,ckp , knon blik option mngu niy ditarik , %$#@! ,cam siot jeh ,tp dpt balik jgak , tah la tak tau nak tlis ape , yg sure nyer , saya tgh memendam perasaan geram , benci , menyampah dengan perangai orang tue , sorry to say lahh , aku muak dgn prngai die , n im really sure die akan bace niy ,, hha =) ,
hmm , my 6teeeeen birthday is the best ! even for 1st time xde bunge api (hampa sket lahh) ,tp mlm tu celebrate dgn my sayang , sayang , sayang lahh . n kawan kawan kawan pon banyak bg present , ! tenkiuuu ! korg the best lahh,,
cheers to ;
my one n only loving sister
my greaat besties , beilla
my super mummy , Kak Mary
my silly brother , ameer
my hero , erman ashraff
my catwomaan , naddy
my johnny girl , julaiha
my pucca dolly , aimi mastura
my preety beauty , niena
my sweetie pie , along PETER
my apple , Leo
hmm , my 6teeeeen birthday is the best ! even for 1st time xde bunge api (hampa sket lahh) ,tp mlm tu celebrate dgn my sayang , sayang , sayang lahh . n kawan kawan kawan pon banyak bg present , ! tenkiuuu ! korg the best lahh,,
cheers to ;
my one n only loving sister
my greaat besties , beilla
my super mummy , Kak Mary
my silly brother , ameer
my hero , erman ashraff
my catwomaan , naddy
my johnny girl , julaiha
my pucca dolly , aimi mastura
my preety beauty , niena
my sweetie pie , along PETER
my apple , Leo
my best boy , anak pak wahab =)
my coolest friend , budak bayu , dmnsara damai
my super team , budak KBJ ,smkt(ert) duhms
my coolest friend , budak bayu , dmnsara damai
my super team , budak KBJ ,smkt(ert) duhms
dan sesipa saja lahh , termasuk akak McD yg wish mlm tue ,
yang lain sorry tak tulis , =)
semoga lebih panjang umur n jd lg baik dr saya yg dulu,
6teen is a big number , hmm , im turning 16 in 2days , cuak ouh , tatau nape , bdk dorm dah plan bnde jahat fer me , mcm dorg buat dkt intan &shida , dorg letak kapur kasut dkt muke n rambut , ARGHH ! yestrday kluar dgn my mum then sdnlly ;
mum ; what do u want fer ur brthday?
me; how about a new push up bra fer my 6teen birthday?
mum; huh?
me; what? giler ke aku ?bnyk bnde lg , knpe bnde tue yg kluar dr mulut ?
mum ; what do u want fer ur brthday?
me; how about a new push up bra fer my 6teen birthday?
mum; huh?
me; what? giler ke aku ?bnyk bnde lg , knpe bnde tue yg kluar dr mulut ?
haha , boleh tak?
haha , boleh tak?

super sakai , we hve been friends fer about 5 months , syg dorg sgt2 , ktorg sgt2 rapat,rapat,rapat , reason? tah lah , da mcm twins kott , tdo same2 , mndi sme2 , not like 'mandi same2' but u noe what i mean ,, dorg penah buat suprise party fer me ,,
they cheer me up ,they company me when im alone , they hug me when tunder come ,they almost evrything to me ,
they cheer me up ,they company me when im alone , they hug me when tunder come ,they almost evrything to me ,
nur farahin muhamad
intan syahzanani rosli
norzie azureen azizi
nur farahin muhamad
intan syahzanani rosli
norzie azureen azizi
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